Recent Articles


Stuck between a rock and a hard place

A response to the reaction of the dissatisfied segment of Mac users after Apple’s new MBP release. Discusses the Federal Aviation Authority’s restriction of batteries more than 100 watt-hours, the Touch Bar, and the many virtues of Thunderbolt 3.


Why the new MacBook Pro is limited to 16GB of RAM

Includes a direct response from Senior Vice President of Marketing at Apple, Phil Schiller
An in depth technical analysis followed up by a comparison to laptops that do support more than 16GB of RAM, then a personal commentary. Provides an understanding of what things would be like if more than 16GB were presently supported and the caveats that would be involved.


The new MBP power efficiency is very impressive

An article which compares the real time power usage of a 2016 MBP under typical conditions compared to earlier models


USB-C: A Mac Pro killer?

The proposition that USB-C makes the standard PC form factor obsolete


How to create a bootable USB macOS installer

Detailed instructions on making a bootable USB installer with Install Disk Creator.


APFS – A Backup Software Developer’s Perspective

Commentary on my experience in adding support for APFS in Mac Backup Guru. It turned out that it was easier than the transition from 10.11 to 10.12, and that’s with 10.13 using a completely new filesystem. That was, to say the least, a surprise.